Founded * The Rad Alternative to AOL Instant Messenger.
"Bajungo®" and the Wibbly-Wobbly-Bajungo logo are registered trademarks of Bajungo Multimedia Corporation.
The world of instant messaging ("IM") is not just technicality and razzle-dazzle. It is a continual war over user privacy, platform control, and communication standards. With ideas which are still radical, WE FIGHT ON.
We hope for vindication, the last laugh, and recognition as an additional standard-- BajungoVerse.
We propose a new kind of Instant Messaging ("IM")-- Actually no it's kinda the same thing but it's branded BAJUNGO.
Check out the BajungoBeat™. It alone should be able to convince you to try out our products.
What other Instant Messaging ("IM") platform sells a REAL PHONE? Exactly.
Consider our latest partnership with the nice folks developing GoopGoopOS
BajungoPay, the BEST way to buy your friends some "Tomato Sauce" to put on their spaghetti.
Send a letter using the "United States Postal Service" to This Address:
123 Bajungo Drive
Bajungo, HI
United States of America
We appreciate your continual interest in our company.